


What is the selection criteria for improvement of watercourses?2021-04-03T14:55:18+05:00

The farmers show willingness to form water user associations and agree on the proposed cost sharing arrangements. The agreement of the shareholders on the reconstruction of the katcha portion of the watercourses before the commencement of the lining. The sections of the watercourses to be lined will be selected on the following basis:

  1. Head reaches having maximum flow and usage.
  2. Elevated sections susceptible to leakage and spillage.
  3. Portions of watercourse crossing/ along roads and villages.
  4. Sections having sandy/ porous soils.
What is the division of cost sharing for the improvement of watercourses?2021-04-03T14:33:38+05:00

The cost sharing on the average is 60:40 i.e. 60% project and 40% farmers.

What is the selection criteria for construction of water storage tanks?2021-04-03T14:38:06+05:00

The farmers will be selected on a uniform and transparent criteria for the construction of water courses. The criteria will be:

  1. Farmer has agricultural land in canal command or outside the canal command area
  2. A suitable quality of water that is available for irrigation.
  3. Farmer wants to develop the farm tank for his agricultural land.
  4. The applicant agrees on contribution of his share as per the approved cost-sharing formula.
  5. Farmer agrees to use the stored water for irrigation purpose.
  6. The farmer will abide by the decisions of the Project Implementation Committee (PIC) and will not challenge the same in any court of law.
  7. In case the farmer violates and conditions the full amount of government share is liable to recovery as arrears of land revenue.
  8. The farmer is responsible for the maintenance and damage caused to the water storage tank.
What is the division criteria for cost sharing of construction of water storage tanks?2021-04-03T14:46:06+05:00

Cost sharing of water storage tanks would be 60% by the project and 40 % by the farmers.

What is the selection criteria for provision of laser land levelling unit?2021-04-03T14:51:02+05:00

An applicant will be eligible for the grant of financial assistance provided that the person owns a tractor capable of operating the laser unit.

  1. The applicant has not availed the facility under any other such scheme.
  2. He will agree to rent out the equipment for laser land leveling in the area.
  3. Applicant agrees to provide rental services for laser land leveling of 300 acres per unit annually during project period.
  4. He will be liable to pay the full amount of financial assistance received for the purpose as arrears of land revenue in case of violation of any of the conditions of the scheme.
What is the division criteria for cost sharing of provision of laser land levelling unit?2021-04-03T14:51:57+05:00

It is planned to provide one-time financial assistance of Rs.250, 000 per unit by the project, remaining cost to be contributed by the farmers.

What is the criteria for distribution of laser land levelling unit?2021-04-03T14:52:54+05:00

An applicant will be eligible for provision of Laser Land Leveler:

  1. He possesses a tractor capable of operating laser unit.
  2. Owns an irrigation tube well.
  3. Is an owner/tenant of land not more than 12.5 acres and is preferably agricultural machinery service provider or an agricultural graduate possessing requisite land ownership.
  4. Agrees to rent out the equipment for laser land leveling in the area.
What are the responsibilities of Water Users’ Associations?2021-04-03T14:55:15+05:00

Water users’ Association perform the following responsibilities:

  1. Provide right way for construction of watercourse.
  2. Settle water disputes among farmers over water usage in respect of channel alignment, fixation of Naccas, distribution of work etc.
  3. Arrange skilled or unskilled labor required for reconstruction/maintenance of earthen water channel, installation of water control structures, and lining of critical reaches.
  4. Make alternate arrangements for conveyance of water during execution of improvement works.
  5. Carry out civil works in accordance with standards and specifications under the supervision of OFWM field staff.
  6. Regularly undertake O&M of improved watercourses after its construction.



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