The watercourses under this project will be improved under the following three categories:

Improvement of Watercourses that have not been improved earlier.
Additional lining of up to 50% of already improved watercourses.
Reconstruction of more than 20 years old watercourses.


The watercourses under this project will be improved under the following three categories:

Improvement of new watercourses that have not been improved earlier.
Additional lining of up to 50% of already improved watercourses.
Reconstruction of more than 20 years old watercourses.



  1. Improvement of watercourses according to the design.
  2. Reconstructed watercourses lined up for improvement of water for canal and tube wells.
  3. Precast Naccas are installed in all authorized places to reduce channel deterioration and curtail seepage loss to improve water control.
  4. Standard practice of provision of one nacca for every 25 acres.
  5. Extra provision of nacca where the land has been subjected to fragmentation due to uneven topography and social problems.
  6. Culverts to be constructed at major crossings as well as a limited number of check/drop structures, animal wallows/buffalo baths, and laundry sites.

To increase water conveyance by Improvement of watercourses.

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  • Complete demolishing of the community channel and its rebuilding/re-aligning according to the engineering design with clean compacted soil.
  • Parts of reconstructed channel are lined, and necessary water control structures are installed to improve conveyance of the canal and tube well water.
  • Precast “naccas” are installed at all authorized places to reduce channel deterioration, curtail seepage loss, and improve water control as well as to minimize drudgery in irrigation operation.
  • Under normal conditions where the land is fairly leveled and belongs to one or two farmers only, the standard practice of providing one nacca (timeout and check) for every 25 acres is quite satisfactory.
  • Extra provision of NACCAS would, however, be made where the land has been subjected to fragmentation because of uneven topography, repeated division of ownership, social problems etc.
  • Culverts would be constructed at major crossings as well as a limited number of check/drop structures.

Selection Criteria
The following criteria will be adopted to take up watercourses for improvement/reconstruction under the proposed project.

  • Improvement of new watercourses that had not been improved under earlier projects / programs.
  • Reconstruction of more than 20 years old watercourses that outlived their economic life.
  • Additional lining up to 50% of already improved watercourses.

Procedure for improvement:
The procedure to improve these watercourses is as under:

  • The tehsil level OFWM staff will mobilize shareholders of the watercourses to organize Water Users Associations (WUAs). The same will be registered under OFWM and WUAs Ordinance [Act] 1981 (Amended 2001)/ rules;
  • The WUAs will open a joint account to be operated by its Chairman and Treasurer in a Commercial Client. The WUAs will provide Client statement along with the specimen signatures of Chairman and Treasurer to ADA (OFWM) who will forward the same to DDA (OFWM);
  • The WUAs will execute an output-based lump-sum agreement with DDA (OFWM) wherein, roles and obligations of both the parties will be defined.
  • The OFWM staff in the respective tehsil will conduct engineering surveys of the watercourse command area and prepare design and cost estimates in consultation with WUAs that will be checked/verified by project consultants.
  • The competent authority i.e. DA(OFWM) / DDA (OFWM) will accord Technical Sanction of entire cost of the construction materials;
  • The WUAs will carry out earthen improvement of 50 percent of proposed length under the supervision of OFWM field staff.
  • The WUAs will deposit labour charges (mason & labour) for lining and installation of water control structure in the joint Client account of the WUAs;
  • The WUA will make procurement of construction materials as per approved SOPs and shall maintain vouched account of all transactions carried out through its Client account;
  • The requisite funds from Specified Account/ Cost Centers/ DDO codes will be released into joint account of the respective WUA by DDA (OFWM) in three installments.

Criteria for Release of funds in three installments:

  • First Installment: 40% (First Intermediate Completion Report (ICR-I)
  • Second Installment: 30% (Second Intermediate Completion Report (ICR-II)
  • Third Installment: 30% (Final Completion Report (FCR)

Selection criteria:
Following are selection criteria for new and 20 years old watercourse:

  • Watercourse has not been previously improved in case of new and in case of reconstruction, the watercourse has been improved more than 20 years earlier under various programs.
  • The farmers are willing to form a Water Users Associations (WUAs) and agree with the cost sharing arrangements to be followed under the proposed program.
  • The shareholders agree to reconstruct the katcha portion of the watercourse prior to commencement of lining work.
  • Sections of watercourse to be lined will be selected as per following criteria.
    • Head reaches having maximum usage and flows.
    • Elevated sections susceptible to leakage, over topping, and spillage.
    • Portion of watercourse crossing/passing through/along villages/roads.
    • Sections having sandy/porous soils.

The targets for additional lining are mixed with targets of 20 years old. These watercourses will be decided with set criteria and defined approval procedures. The maximum limit for additional lining of watercourses would be up to 50 percent of total length of watercourses.

Execution procedure for additional lining
Following procedure would be adopted for carrying out additional lining on already improved watercourses.

  • The yearly target of each district will be fixed by the Project Steering Committee (PSC) at the start of each financial year on the basis of improved watercourses and work load in each district;
  • The OFWM staff will mobilize WUAs/shareholders for active participation in improvement works. Already registered WUA will be reactivated/ reorganized for the purpose or new WUA will be registered if required;
  • The OFWM field staff will conduct engineering surveys of the command area and prepare a complete case including inventory of previously executed works and that planned to be covered under the NPIWC-II.
  • The DDA (OFWM)/Consultants will submit inventory of the watercourses including total length, already completed works as well as planned, cost incurred, project name etc. on a prescribed proforma to the Directorate General Agriculture (WM) for checking/ verification/up-dation of water management database system;
  • An output-based agreement will be signed with WUA wherein, roles and responsibilities of both the parties will be defined;
  • An account will be opened in a Commercial Client with the authorization of DDA (OFWM) to be operated jointly by Chairman and Treasurer of WUA recommended and each transaction will be regulated/ authorized by ADA (OFWM) through an advice along with cheque issued by authorities.
  • The WUA will collect the required farmers’ share as per approved cost sharing mechanism and arrange execution of works under its supervision including maintenance of already lined section of the watercourse;
  • The OFWM staff will provide technical assistance to WUA for execution of the watercourse works by making the frequent visits at sites to ensure that same is being carried out as per prescribed standards/ specifications;
  • On recommending the third installment of payment, the consultant will submit certified FCRs along with Takmeli certificate to the DGA (OFWM) for up-dation of the database records.

Selection / Eligibility criteria
The procedures for new watercourses and for 20 years old have been kept the same in the project. In case of additional lining, they are different to some extent. Therefore, they are taken up separately. In order to ensure execution of additional works on already improved watercourses, following transparent selection criteria will be adopted:

  • The WUAs agrees to:
    • repair/ rehabilitate the already lined section;
    • maintain earthen section of the watercourse for efficient flow of irrigation water;
    • extend lining up to possible limits;
    • contribute Farmers’ share; and
    • provide litigation free right of way
  • Sections of watercourse eligible for extension of lining will be based on following criteria:
    • Head reaches, (if left unlined under earlier programs), portions having maximum usage and flows;
    • Elevated sections susceptible to leakage, over topping, and spillage;
    • Portion of watercourse crossing/ passing through/ along villages/ roads; and
    • Sections having sandy/ porous soils.

Cost sharing of watercourse lies in following options:

  • In the construction of watercourse cost sharing is done on the ratio of 60:40, i.e. 60% project and 40% farmers.
  • Construction is according to design.
  • Material used for improvement of watercourse either it is brick lining, other lining, PCPL, concrete etc. may vary.